Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 10: Recipes

Salty Lemon Water
Autumn Harvest Trail mix (almonds, papaya, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, dried apples, dried cranberries)

Paleo Candy Bars from Jason at Paleo Plan

These I made for my daughter to take as a snack to school. They are slightly sweet and very filling. I tripled the recipe to ensure enough for both of us for the week. I'm thrilled for such a tasty and healthy treat to send her. We used carob powder over cocoa powder and the chopped nuts we used were almonds (her preferred nut type).

Skyr (Icelandic yogurt), 1/4c blueberries, 1/3 banana

After I finish the yogurt we've got in the house, I'll be removing it from my diet altogether. This is the only diary I currently consume and I believe I can eliminate this category altogether. I was keeping the yogurt to help with some digestive difficulties I was having, but the lemon water in in the morning seems to have remedied this issue.

Raw almonds

Boulder Sausage Company brats, sweet potatoes & carrots. I put them all in a pan and cooked for 20 minutes. A family favorite.

Post-run Snack
Marinara sauce with turkey

While my meals for the day were fairly boring, my hunger for the day was almost non-existent so I wasn't motivated to do much in the way of cooking. Sweet potatoes seem to be the most requested item in my house, which I find interesting. Since they are nutrient rich, I'm fine with providing them.

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